Health Care Is A Right NOT A Privilege
Health Insurance is NOT Health Care
Every Oregonian Deserves Equal Access To The Same Level Of Health Care
Oregon Legislature 2011: Comprehensive Health Care Reform - State Of The Play 3/14/11
The 2011 Oregon Legislative Assembly Will FAIL, Again, To Produce Comprehensive Health Care Reform To Address Oregon's Moral And Economic Health Care Crisis
Single Payer Health Care - Dead In Oregon. Dead In America.5/19/10
There are 535 members of congress and 90 members of the Oregon legislature. These are the ONLY people in the United States that can bring a Single Payer health care system to America and Oregon.
Unless and until every elected official, every public employee - including military personnel, and every American citizen are all covered by the same health care plan, we Americans and Oregonians will continue to have an unjust and unfair health care class system which will erode our democratic values, competitiveness and prosperity.
Portland City Council - Cheap Talk But NO ACTION On Single Payer 5/5/10
A resolution of support for Single Payer means the removal of the for-profit health insurance industry as the foundation for delivery of health care to Oregonians. It means the repeal of the recently passed federal health insurance bill and the Billion dollar health care bill passed by the Oregon legislature in 2007. A resolution of support for Single Payer means POLITICAL CONFRONTATION of the highest order. This is what you voted for. But this is NOT what you are delivering.
HCAN Doesn't Support Single Payer - So Why Does The AFL-CIO Take Orders From Them? 4/11/10
The leader of Oregon's AFL-CIO, Tom Chamberlain, told me during the congressional health insurance reform debates, "I take my marching orders from HCAN."
Roosevelt Or Eisenhower/Nixon? Which Health Care Policy Will Oregon's Legislature Choose In 2011? 3/22/10
Is there any difference between requiring every American to buy health insurance from private insurers and taxing every American to pay for a government run Single Payer system like Medicare? The answer is NO. Except that in one scenario the princes of the private health insurance industry, like the banking barons on Wall Street, get to continue making obscene profits and bonuses while the costs of public employee and every other citizen's health insurance premiums shoot skyward.
American Federation of Teachers - ON or OFF The Single Payer Bus? 2/15/10
The AFT passed a resolution supporting Single Payer. The OSEA, Oregon School Employees Association does NOT support Single Payer. And yet, the AFT and the OSEA have united in a joint endorsement process for legislative candidates. With opposing views on the most important and contentious issue on the political agenda, one must ask, How can that be?
If Not Richard Ellmyer Then Who? If Not Now Then When? 2/6/10
For a very long time I have stood with you, marched with you, testified in support of your Single Payer resolutions and publicly praised all of you for your leadership and support of a Single Payer health care solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. Now it is time for you to help me help you. Should a health care bill finally emerge from congress it will not be a Single Payer plan nor will it resolve America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. The battle for health care reform will rage on when the Oregon legislature reconvenes in January 2011. There MUST be at least one strong, loud, fearless voice representing Single Payer interests in our legislature in January 2011. That is the voice of Richard Ellmyer.
Richard Ellmyer Files For House Seat - Health Care Top Priority 2/4/10
Should a health care bill finally emerge from congress it will not resolve America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. The battle for health care reform will rage on when the Oregon legislature reconvenes in January 2011. There MUST be at least one strong, loud, fearless voice representing Single Payer interests in our legislature in January 2011. That is the voice of Richard Ellmyer.
Public Option Today - Single Payer Tomorrow March And Rally In Eugene - 10/31/09
The genuine epicenter of progressive politics in Oregon is located in Lane County and the city of Eugene.
If you support a Single Payer solution to Oregon's/America's moral and economic health care crisis (see partial list below) and/or the Public Option proposal which will be voted upon by the U.S. House of Representatives this week then you are invited by Lane county and the city of Eugene to participate in a march and rally to support both of them.
Politically Connected Nurses That Don't Support Single Payer Are News - 10/29/09
Nurses do the heavy lifting in the medical world. The Oregon Nurses Association and the Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals have both voted for a resolution supporting a Single Payer Solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. A Single Payer system puts the private health insurance industry OUT OF BUSINESS. This is tantamount to a declaration of war. The Oregon Nurses Association and the Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals are trying to stop the dying and the terror caused by the current for-profit private health insurance industry and their puppets in public office. They deserve a great deal of credit.
Declaring War And Then Not Showing Up For Battle Is A Losing Strategy - 10/26/09
Passing a resolution in support of Single Payer, as all of these groups have done, is a declaration of WAR against the despised, failed, for-profit, private health insurance industry. The object of Single Payer resolutions is to "KILL" that is put the private health insurance industry OUT OF BUSINESS. The definition of war involves killing your enemy.
It means demonstrating in the streets LOUDLY and often.
It means ONLY endorsing and supporting candidates for state and congressional offices that will fight for Single Payer.
Senator Shields & Employer/Wife/Nurse REJECT Nurses Groups And Single Payer Health Care - 10/19/09
Newly anointed state senator Chip Shields is an employee of Hands On Medicine, a domestic professional corporation. He works for his wife, Shelda R. Holmes, a family nurse practitioner.
Family nurse practitioner Shelda Holmes has refused to join either the Oregon Nurses Association or the Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals.
Family nurse practitioner Shelda Holmes and her employee/husband, newly minted state senator Chip Shields, oppose the Single Payer solution to Oregon's/America's moral and economic health care crisis that has been adopted by the Oregon Nurses Association, the Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals, the city of Portland and Multnomah county among others (see list below). This puts Shelda Holmes and her employee/husband, freshly coined state senator Chip Shields, in conflict and at odds with the nurses of Oregon, the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians, Mad As Hell Doctors and the political leadership of Portland and Multnomah county among others (see list below).
Morgan Holm Dismisses Portland, Lane And Multnomah Counties Et. Al. Single Payer Resolutions As Irrelevant - 10/5/09
Bill Moyers, the most courageous journalist in America, has spent more time on the issue of Health Care reform than any other subject he has ever covered. It would be useful for the entire OPB news staff to start watching his show. Especially relevant was Moyers interview with Glenn Greenwald and Jay Rosen. Their discussion exposed media managers, such as Morgan Holm and the producers of OPB's Think Out Loud who avoid persons and ideas that are, in Moyer's words, considered, "heretical by the establishment."
Kotek, Collymore, Frederick, Shields Et. Al. NO SHOWS At Portland City Council Single Payer Resolution - 9/30/09
Not a single member of the Oregon legislature nor a single candidate for newly vacant house district 43 in Portland was willing to testify in favor of the Portland City Council Single Payer Resolution which passed today by unanimous vote. Not a doctor, nor nurse, nor labor leader nor citizen testified against this resolution. The harmony of souls in the council chamber was deliciously palpable. The fact that not a single legislator nor legislative candidate appeared did not go unnoticed.
Adams, Leonard, Fritz Cosponsor Portland Single Payer Resolution - 9/23/09
There are very few meaningful public opportunities to express your anger at the despised, failed, for-profit, private health insurance industry and the medical-industrial complex of which they are a part.
There are very few meaningful public opportunities to express your anger at the Oregon legislature's and the U. S. congress' refusal to allow Oregonians the right to discuss and debate a Single Payer solution to our moral and economic health care crisis.
There are very few meaningful public opportunities to express your anger at the Oregon legislature's recent BILLION dollar, illegitimately derived health care legislation that INCREASED the cost of health insurance premiums for individuals and public entities throughout Oregon.
Shields Promises To Submit Single Payer Oregon Community Health Care Bill In 2011 Session - 9/18/09
Presumptive state senator appointee Chip Shields has told Richard Ellmyer that he will submit Ellmyer's Single Payer Oregon Community Health Care Bill In the 2011 Session. The Multnomah County Commission passed a resolution in favor of Single Payer (see below). Commissioner Jeff Cogen has long been a signer and supporter of the Oregon Community Health Care Bill (see below).
Senate Candidate Richard Ellmyer's Public Policy Priorities For the 2011 Legislative Session - 9/15/09
It will certainly be of interest to you to know what candidates for appointment to the vacant state senate district 22 seat consider to be their public policy priorities for the 2011 legislative session. Here are mine:
1. Support A Single Payer Health Care Solution To Oregon's/America's Moral And Economic Health Care Crisis, The Repeal Of The 1% Health Insurance Tax On Individual Oregonians And Public Entities, Inclusion of Abortion And Death With Dignity Funding.
Kitzhaber Wants Back In The Game. To Change It? Or Just More Of The Same? Let's Ask Him - 9/6/09
So, John Kitzhaber says he's the agent of change in the next governor's election. Really? Okay John, prove it. (Other candidates for governor take note. If appointed to the district 22 state senate seat or not you can be sure I'll be asking these questions loudly, publicly and often.)
If the answer is YES to ALL of these essential change issues then I'll support Kitzhaber.
1. Will John Kitzhaber support a Single Payer solution to Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis:
Multnomah/Lane County Governments Rightfully Challenge Class Warfare With Single Payer Resolutions - 9/3/09
County governments, Multnomah and Lane, representing more than a million Oregonians, 26% of Oregon's population, have officially declared that they support a Single Payer solution to Oregon's and America's moral and economic health care crisis. However, their resolutions are meaningless without action.
Ellmyer Seeks Support As Single Payer State Senate Appointee - 8/24/09
A majority of Oregonians/Americans support a Single Payer plan* and yet the Oregon legislature does NOT have one legislator that supports a Single Payer health care solution for Oregon and America.
A majority of Oregonians/Americans support a Single Payer plan and yet the Oregon legislature does NOT have one legislator with the courage to support the boycott of a business, Whole Foods, whose CEO denounced a single payer solution in the Wall Street Journal.
A majority of Oregonians/Americans support a Single Payer plan and yet the Oregon legislature does NOT have one legislator willing to submit any single payer bill nor allow any Oregonian the right to discuss, argue or debate a single payer solution within the legislative assembly.
Boycott Whole Foods - Stand Up For Single Payer Sick Out Day - 8/19/09
If you're not willing to take action and take to the streets to support single payer NOW then when?
John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, announced in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece that he will use his profits from Whole Foods to campaign against a Single Payer Solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. Don't give John Mackey your money to work against Single Payer.
Multnomah County Commission, Serious Or Cynical About Single Payer Support? 8/18/09
Chip Shields and Tina Kotek oppose a single payer health care solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. Both Shields and Kotek denied the subject of single payer to be discussed in the legislative debate on health care reform. Chip Shields and Tina Kotek refused to introduce a single payer bill written by Kotek's constituent, even as a courtesy, that was supported by several publicly elected officials (see below). Aiding and abetting the failed, for-profit, private health insurance industry interests, Shields and Kotek supported the 650 page health care reform bill that is so monstrously complex that it assures that only the very well paid, for-profit, private health insurance industry lawyers will be able to use it to benefit their corporate interests.
Michael Dembrow, The ONLY Oregon Legislator To Support Single Payer 8/15/09
Michael Dembrow (Dem. HD 45 Portland area) has emerged as the ONLY Oregon legislator to support a Single Payer Solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. Thank you Michael. It's about time. One down, eighty-nine plus a governor to go.
Lane County YES, Oregon Legislators NO, Oregon Farmers & Business Groups AWOL 8/11/09
Lane County Commissioners voted to support a Single Payer Solution before Multnomah county making them the first public entity in Oregon to officially endorse a single payer solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. Congratulations Lane county. Particular praise goes to commissioners Bill Dwyer and Pete Sorenson. Both supported the single payer Oregon Community Health Care Bill (see below). Far sighted, concerned for the common good, courageous and political leaders in the best sense of the word Bill and Pete are two of Oregon's finest. Bravo and thanks.
Multnomah County, IATSE And 13 U.S. House REPUBLICANS Support Single Payer Solutions 8/2/09
Multnomah County Commissioners, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and, surprisingly, 13 U.S. House REPUBLICANS recently voted to support Single Payer Solutions. (The congressional Republicans endorsing state level single payer only - a bit weird but welcome nonetheless.) They join the growing single payer list below.
Teachers, Machinists, Public And Transit Unions Endorse Single Payer Solution 7/3/09
AFSCME District Council 75, the Amalgamated Transit Union local 757, the American Federation of Teachers Local 501, the Oregon Education Association, the Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals and the Oregon State Council of Machinists (IAM) District Lodge 24, publicly support a single payer health care solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. They are part of a growing number of member organizations of the Oregon Coalition for a Single Payer Solution. Hooray! Bravo! and Congratulations to these courageous organizations.
Family Physicians, Teamsters Local 206 Join Oregon Coalition For A Single Payer Solution 6/24/09
The Oregon Academy of Family Physicians and the Oregon Teamsters Local 206 publicly support a single payer health care solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. They are part of a growing number of member organizations of the Oregon Coalition for a Single Payer Solution. Hooray! Bravo! and Congratulations to these courageous organizations.
Oregon Nurses, Green Party And Lane County Dems Support Single Payer Solution 6/19/09
The Oregon Nurses Association, the Pacific Green Party of Oregon and the Democratic Party of Lane County are the first organizations in Oregon to publicly support a single payer health care solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. They constitute the first three member organizations of the Oregon Coalition for a Single Payer Solution. Hooray! Bravo! and Congratulations to these courageous organizations
Readers Ask For Action Advice On Single Payer Health Care Reform. OK. Here It Is. 5/27/09
1. Before you do anything you must come to grips with the following: (Warning, this will not be easy.)
Americans and Oregonians are in a civil WAR class struggle over health care reform in our country and our state. In WAR we must support our allies, defeat our adversaries and kill our enemies.
Bill Moyers TV Broadcasts First Shots In America's Single Payer War With Failed Health Insurance Industry 5/23/09
Bill Moyer's is America's most courageous TV broadcaster. On Friday May 22, 2009 Moyers pointed his cameras, microphones and questions at three impressive, articulate and determined guests who took the opportunity to open fire upon the despised, failed, for-profit private health insurance industry. It was the opening TV salvo in what surely will be a long and bloody conflict in America and Oregon.
AOI Chief Dan Harmon Right On Opposition To Legislative Health Care Tax Increases 5/1/09
Association of Oregon Industries Chairman and Hoffman Construction Executive VP Dan Harmon is on target when he says, "Taxing health care to pay for health care will simply raise the cost of health care." Read his valid, reasoned and persuasive arguments in the Oregonian (see above).
Portland School Board Denies Candidates Access To Public Data - Challenges Oregon Public Records Law 4/21/09
The Portland Public Schools Board, including Martin Gonzalez and Trudy Sargent who are also candidates, have refused to allow competing candidates such as Steve Buel and Rita Moore, the press - Willamette Week, and taxpayers Richard Ellmyer, Nola Rathburn et. al. have access to public data related to PPS Pulse, a public newsletter published and distributed by the Portland Public Schools. The issue has statewide consequences involving the future relevance of the Oregon Public Records law and the legitimacy of certain public elections. Legislators, lawyers, the Oregon Secretary of State and Oregon's Attorney General as well as Oregon voters and taxpayers should pay close attention to the outcome of this conflict
Oregon Legislators Still Duck Question Of Universal Health Insurance CLASS WARFARE 4/8/09
Should the solution to Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis be based on a model in which elected officials and public employees and voters and taxpayers have EQUAL ACCESS to the SAME LEVEL of health care or continue our current MULTITIERED health insurance CLASS system?
Do Oregonians want classless universal HEALTH CARE or universal HEALTH INSURANCE class warfare?
Not a single legislator has run for office telling voters how they would answer this question.
Legislature Keeps Digging Deeper Health Care Class Crisis Hole 3/23/09
Facing more than a 4 BILLION dollar deficit and a growing moral and economic health care crisis the Oregon legislature ignores the first rule of holes: when you find yourself in one STOP DIGGING.
Carter And Kotek No Shows At North Portland Gathering - Challenged To Debate Health Care Model 3/4/09
State senator Margaret Carter and representative Tina Kotek were no shows at the quarterly Gathering of North Portland leaders on Tuesday March 3rd. Carter and Kotek continue to disgrace themselves and dishonor their constituents by refusing to engage in public conversation regarding the best health care delivery system model to resolve Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis.
Which Is The Greater Sin? 2/28/09
So the question arises, which is the greater sin, Sam Adams' peccadillo with a citizen who can vote and serve in the armed forces or the City Club of Portland and the Oregonian Editorial Board and their refusals to place on the public table essential public health care and public housing policy issues which are vital to our community?
Oregon Public Broadcasting Faces Credibility Test On Health Care Reporting 2/8/09
The Oregon legislature has deliberately denied the citizens of Oregon the opportunity to discuss and debate the merits of a single payer health care model, such as the Oregon Community Health Care Bill, versus the despised, failed, for-profit private health insurance industry system as competing choices to resolve Oregon moral and economic health care crisis. The citizens of Oregon need Oregon Pubic Broadcasting to right this wrong.
Keeping Perspective - Respecting The American Right Of Passage 1/23/09
In America we encourage 18 year olds to vote for the commander in chief of our armed forces who is also the person who can take our country to war. And yet many Americans dishonor and disrespect the moral right and maturity of 18 year olds to choose a bed partner.
A Legislator's Individual Responsibility For Public Housing And Health Care Policy 1/13/09
The Oregon legislature has a significant role to play in determining public health care and public housing policy in our state. The following are requests for legislative relief and action. While I ask this with a single signature I assure you that there are legions of Oregonians who support these legislative actions. Please give these proposals your serious consideration especially the health care policy recommendations because they can and will affect every legislator's constituency.
The congress of the United States of America, the legislature of Oregon and the American private health insurance industry have FAILED to provide affordable health care to Oregonians and Oregon's public institutions. As a result of these failures Oregon is facing a moral and economic health care crisis based on the following conditions:
1. Huge numbers of Oregonians have no health insurance.
2. Huge numbers of Oregonians pay for such costly health insurance that they can afford little or no actual health care.
3. All of Oregon's public institutions are facing skyrocketing and unstoppable increases in health care costs which significantly diminish the quality and quantity of services that need to be provided to the public.
The Oregon Community Health Care Bill is the solution to Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis because it:
A. Is the most market driven health care plan in America.
B. Removes the burden from businesses of providing health care and places it on the state of Oregon.
C. Reduces health care costs to public institutions in Oregon by 20%.
D. Provides actual health care not just health insurance.
E. Eliminates the term, "preexisting condition." If the procedure is covered you're covered.
F. Provides affordable health care - on a sliding scale according to income - as good as that received by any public employee in Oregon to anyone willing to make a commitment to Oregon for one year as a registered voter.