Mayor Potter Joins Peter Pan And The Lost HAPsters In Never Never Land 9/26/05

You know the tune from Peter Pan. Sing along with Mutlnomah County Public Housing Czar and supernatural traveler, Tom Potter, as he leads his appointed HAPsters in their merry anthem:
I wont grow up
(I wont grow up)
I will never move again
(I will never move again)
My income stays the same
(My income stays the same)
And it's never gonna rain
(And it's never gonna rain)
I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
Not me!

Bravo! Well done choir master Tom Potter and chorus Kandis Nunn, Jeff Bachrach, Harriet Cormack, Richard Fernandez, Shar Giard, Chris Lassen, Lee Moore, Katie Such and Antoinette Teixeira. I had no idea that the Housing Authority of Portland was home to and proof positive of intelligent design. In HAPland no one ever gets older, moves from one home to another or has fluctuating income levels. I've read stories, fables, legends, myths and fairy tales about a place like this but who would have thought that it's right here in Multnomah county Oregon. Wow!

Mayor Potter's disinterest in enforcing his own directive of January 26, 2005 to make available to the citizens of Multnomah county HAP's public housing data by neighborhood is now understandable. Shortly after that date Tom Potter joined the HAPsters in Never Never Land where there are no neighborhoods. There is obviously no need to provide monthly updates because nothing ever changes in HAPland. No need to provide data to others who don't reside in this intelligently designed realm of believers because those who live on the outside just wouldn't understand. It all makes perfect sense now.

So Tom, when you announce the completion of the once every nine years public housing study about to be completed for HUD by the HAPsters et. al. we will all understand where you're coming from.

Oh! By the way. It would be very cool if you could fly into the council chambers the day you present your public housing report. Bring Peter and Tinkerbell. Everybody knows them. They'll add to your credibility.

Richard Ellmyer
3-6-9 Resolution Author and Project Champion
President, MacSolutions Inc. - A Macintosh computer consulting business providing web hosting for artists and very small businesses.
Writer/Publisher - HAP Watcher commentary - Published on the Internet and distributed to 4000 readers interested in public housing policy in Multnomah County.
Portsmouth - formerly the 18%, currently the 6% solution neighborhood, North Portland

P.S. Tom, there may be a slight problem explaining how the Portsmouth neighborhood went from 18% public housing clients to 6% and now heading back towards 18% because of Columbia Villa. It appears there are some kinks in the intelligent design of HAPland that need to be worked out. But I'm not concerned. I'm sure you can explain it. Better lighten up on the pixie dust before you mention this anomaly in public.