Answers to June 1st Queries Due Soon 6/11/05

TO: HAP Director, Policy and Public Affairs
June 14, 2005 will be two weeks since my request on June 1, 2005 of the following:
Will you send me a tab delimited text file containing approximately 35,000 HAP client records each with only two fields, one with a neighborhood, one with a HAP designation of median income (0-30,31-50,51-80%). I would like a copy ASAP, next week would be good, and then I would like to get updated versions once a month which I or any member of the public could download from the HAP web site.

On or before June 14th, a reasonable and sufficient time for you to respond to my request, I will expect to receive from you one of the following:
1. The file requested above.
2. Names and contact information of the persons manually entering neighborhood data into HAP's client database, the dates they started and a progress report on total entered as well as an estimated completion date.
3. Name and contact information of the computer professional that is writing a looping script to automatically gather a neighborhood field from the city's mapping program, the date this person started the project and a progress report to include estimated completion date.
4. Name and contact information of the computer professional that is geocoding, that is adding a connection between an address field and a neighborhood list which will automatically gather a neighborhood designation from a fixed set of already established parameters, the date this person started the project and a progress report to include estimated completion date.
5. Some explanation of why none of the above have been started. 

Shelley, please note. As I'm sure you suspected there is the strong possibility that whatever answer you provide will likely be the catalyst for a HAP Watcher commentary. As you craft your response I encourage you to consider carefully the arguments presented in emails sent to you on June 8th, 9th and 10th with the following subject lines:
Converting Addresses To Neighborhoods - Process and Costs
A Second Opinion - Not Nine Months But An Hour
What Did They Know And When Did They Know It?

Thank you.

Richard Ellmyer

P.S. Please include the answer to the other question I posed on June 1st regarding the location and staffing status of a police presence at Columbia Villa.